By Ishfaqullah Shawl
- political disputes, once considered regional in their impact with limited or
no consequence to the civilized world at large have suddenly assumed a level of
universality in terms of their impact on world stability, after the September
11, 2001. The whole civilization in the aftermath of September tragedy, which
has changed the entire world in many ways and reasons. It has changed the way we
look at, comprehend and understand issues confronting societies, communities and
nations. It has changed the dimensions of the terrorism and proved that this
term could be used anywhere, the powerful choose. It is a bitter reality that
the commonization and easy access to scientific, industrial and technological
advancement of modern times can easily be used by the people or nations to
destroy the freedoms that in the first place had made these advancements
Same is being utilized in Kashmir, where more than 13 million people were
deprived of their basic right to be free. Kashmir is a dispute, threatening the
world peace, as two newly emerged nuclear powers of South Asia, Pakistan and
India are claiming their sovereignity. As such the world community has shown
interest in the solution of this dispute time to time. But it is a reality that
no concrete step was taken to resolve this issue in its true perspective. One is
justified to cite example of the various resolutions of the United Nations on
Kashmir and has a reason to ask that why these resolutions were not acted upon.
Who was responsible for the failure and what should have been done to make the
parties to submit to the will of the world body is not such a puzzle that cannot
be solved.
Political analysts world over believe that on many occasions Kashmir issue was
going to be resolved by one way or the other, Simla agreement signed by
Pakistan's Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Indian Prime Minister, Indira
Gandhi was a step in that direction.
Later many round of bilateral talks on all levels were hold and even Indian
Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee on the invitation of Mian Nawaz Sharif, then
Prime Minister of Pakistan came Lahore and a declaration was signed to settle
all issues peacefully.
But all parleys proved nothing but futile exercise and wastage of time and
resources, as there was no representation of Kashmiri people in these parleys.
Kashmiri people are main party to dispute and are only actors to implement
whatever decision made on Kashmir. Political pundits have clearly stated that
keeping Kashmiri people away from the final settlement of Kashmir issue could
result in chaos and confusion in the region. It is responsibility of the forces
claiming to be the champions of peace, democracy and human rights The main point
of discussion here is the changing world scenario after September 11 horror
attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon. It is clear that it was a planned
move to take some steps regarding the world politics, in which thousands of
people were made scap-goats by the leaders of world politics. The hidden
intentions behind this sort of terrorism became clear when America announced a
war against terrorism and declared Taliban and Al-Qaeda, once its blue eyed
people during cold war era. It took its allies along not by consent but by force
and let loose a reign of terror in Afghanistan under its so-called campaign
against terrorism. America came in Afghanistan to wipe out Taliban and Al-Qaeda
leaders including Mulla Omar and Osama bin Laden, who are still at large and
helped people to find the real cause of American attack on Afghanistan. It is
not hidden that America during the cold war era used the card of religion
particularly Islam against the Soviet Union and left no stone unturned in using
religious forces for the collapse of USSR the only threat to US. But after
collapse of USSR, American policy planners feel that the religious extremists
feeded by them could cause problems for them in future and they planned to keep
them busy in the battlefield of Afghanistan. Soon after its interests rose in
this region, as China emerged as a super power and the natural resources
particularly oil and gas treasures of Central Asia became an attraction for
Americans. They planned to come in the region by one way or the other. They way
they used in not fair. Now after completing their task in Afghanistan, they have
eyes on Kashmir and are keenly looking to convert Kashmir into future
battlefield. Recently appeared news items in various national and international
papers are clear indication in this direction. Few people are trying to divert
the world attention towards the presence of Osama bin Laden and Mulla Omar in
Northern Areas, which speaks loudly that some forces are eager to convert
Kashmir into a battlefield in order to have a check on China, Pakistan, Iran and
Now that we have learnt lessons in Afghanistan, albeit so tragically, we will
have to be extra careful in allowing some mischievous forces to use Kashmir
against their opponents. It will be a test case for the people of Pakistan,
India and Kashmir who believe in peace and stability, that how they build a wall
against the American interests and stop America from ruining Kashmir. Once
Kashmir was converted into a battlefield it would have negative impacts not only
the politics of the region but could destroy this region geographically and
economically. This became inevitable to resolve Kashmir issue in its true spirit
with the consent of Kashmiri people and it is responsibility of the regional
powers including China and Iran and even Russia to play their effective role in
resolving Kashmir issue. Otherwise, in case of any further delay this region
will face dire consequences. These forces must keep in mind that there is no
conflict or dispute any where in the world which can be ignored as "just a
regional" dispute. All disputes territorial or otherwise have the potential of
affecting us, one day, as we are living in a global village.
Coming on the historical aspects of the Kashmir issue, one must keep in the mind
that Kashmir is not a territorial dispute, between two countries, not is it any
bilateral or tripartite issue. It is simply an issue of basic freedom of
liberation of 13.5 million people of Kashmir from the foreign occupation. The
freedom movement in Kashmir was originally a freedom movement against the
illegal Indian occupation, but after it was transformed into a Jihad, some
forces having their own interests have hijacked it. Though some forces have bent
upon to inter-link the Kashmir Liberation movement with Al-Qaeda and Taliban
movement, but the past history of Kashmir is negation of their claims and
Kashmiri people have nothing to worry, but to show their history of tolerance,
peaceful co-existence and universal brotherhood. It will frustrate the designs
of the vested interest forces that want to dub Kashmiri liberation movement into
a terrorist movement.
The people living in civilized must look into the long bright history of Kashmir
and then decide the status of the liberation movement of Kashmir. Inter-linking
Kashmir with any terrorist movement could be a great injustice on the part of
world community. Though some foreign elements have entered in Kashmir liberation
movement, but they are very few in number and will have no effective role before
the decision taken by Kashmiri people. These forces are well aware of the fact
that Kashmir is not Afghanistan where they under the cover of tribal and
linguistic hatred could befool the Afghans.
Looking at the ground realities in South Asian region it is clear that without
resolving Kashmir issue peacefully, peace and stability in this region is not
possible and forces eager to convert Kashmir into a battlefield for their own
meagre interests could not be stopped. Once the regional powers failed in doing
this job they should get ready to face the music in shape of another war against
terrorism or any other issue.
Ishfaqullah Shawl
is Editor English Weekly Sunday Times, Islamabad and a regular columnist. His
e-mail address is
[email protected]
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