By Richard Norton Taylor
the outcome of the intense diplomatic manoeuvres at the UN, whatever cover the
UN might give to an American attack on Iraq, they cannot hide a fundamental
truth. It has profound implications for future relations between states.
Henry Kissinger, archpriest of realpolitik, has called it "revolutionary". Tony
Blair appears to have embraced it, though we cannot be sure.
A new doctrine of war has been laid down by the Bush administration that casts
aside all the traditional tenets of international law as well as the UN and Nato
charters. It abandons the concept of deterrence, considered the bedrock of
stability throughout the cold war and cited by successive British governments as
justification for their nuclear arsenal.
Ever since September 11 last year, it has been reflected in speeches, notably by
Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, and
Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice. It was spelt out most
clearly by Bush himself in June. The US, he said, would no longer rely on
"deterrence" and "containment"; it had to be "ready for pre-emptive action".
He added: "America has, and intends to keep, military strengths beyond
challenge, thereby making the destabilising arms races of other eras pointless."
The new doctrine includes the right of the US to use its unsurpassed, indeed
unsurpassable, military power, to overthrow governments by force if, in
Washington's view, they attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction -
vice-president Dick Cheney has suggested this includes no fewer than 60 states -
or harbour terrorists.
At least Kissinger, a historian by profession, appreciated the significance of
the new doctrine. Regime change as an aim of military intervention is a direct
challenge to the international system established by the 1648 Treaty of
Westphalia, he recently wrote in the Los Angeles Times. That treaty established
the principle of "state sovereignty": that war is justified only by aggression
across a national border. Though he argued that Saddam Hussein presented such a
danger as to make pre-emptive action "an imperative", he warned: "It is not in
the American national interest to establish pre-emption as a universal principle
available to every nation."
Bush and his advisers have made no such qualification in their quest for a new,
aggressive, Pax Americana, something they had wanted from the start but for
which they were confident of attracting sufficient US domestic support only
after the September 11 attacks.
Bush, who, judging by American opinion polls, desperately needs Britain to join
any military action against Iraq, was persuaded by Blair, among others, to
follow the UN route, if only for presentational purposes.
"Any action that we in the United Kingdom take will be strictly in accordance
with our obligations in international law and under the United Nations charter,"
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw insisted last week. "Under the charter," he
explained, "individual countries can act against others without a security
council resolution, for example in the case of self-defence."
His choice of language was deeply misleading. In international law, as in the UN
and Nato charters, nations can attack others only in "self-defence". As
Kissinger suggests, this has always meant defence against an actual attack by
another state, though more recently international lawyers have said it could
also cover an imminent attack. As the government's law officers have advised, it
certainly does not allow for war for regime change.
Bush, who says his aim is to topple Saddam, has been persuaded by Blair among
others to use the UN as a figleaf. It is now incumbent on Blair to say whether,
as he colludes with Bush, he accepts the new American doctrine of military
intervention. Blair must also explain why he believes Saddam cannot be deterred
from using weapons of mass destruction (as he was during the 1991 Gulf war).
The prime minister, as well as his foreign and defence secretaries, must say
what they really mean. Do they really believe the concept of deterrence, and the
established principles of international law, can be abandoned - with the huge
risks that implies - and are they prepared to argue their case with the British
Richard Norton Taylor is the UK's leading daily, Guardian's Security Affairs Editor.
© 2002 Richard Norton Taylor
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