By James Zogby
the past year there has been an unprecedented interest in the Arab world. Many
in the West, profoundly shaken by the traumatic events of September 11, 2001,
began to look more closely at the Middle East, a region, about which they only
had limited knowledge. Books and articles were written, television documentaries
were aired, even Congressional hearings were convened.
All too often, however, Arabs were absent from these discussions and
presentations. As a result, instead of closing the gap, the bad or biased
information produced by those efforts only served to deepen misunderstanding.
Even when some Arabs have made an effort to engage in and inform this discussion
they all too often have missed the point. These Arab information campaigns
focused largely on policy matters, when what we have learned from our polling of
U.S. opinion, is that Americans do not want to know where Arabs stand on issues,
they want to know who Arabs really are - what they believe and how they think.
As one U.S. respondent said to us in a focus group discussion we had organized,
"Are Arabs like us?"
Of course this discussion in the West did not stand alone. In the Arab world,
Arabs were asking similar questions about Americans. Clearly the tragedy of
September 11 had awakened both sides to an awareness of the profound gap in
understanding that divided both worlds. But Arabs were engaged in another
discussion as well. In salons and majlises, in public forums and in private,
Arabs were taking a hard look at their own society and their needs.
One such effort at critical self-examination was the Arab Human Development
Report 2002 (AHDR 2002) produced by the United Nations Development Program and
the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. The report was an independent
look at contemporary Arab economic, social and cultural realities. It was both
thorough and incisive. And while the report recognizes the significant advances
in human development that the Arab world has made in the past 50 years, it also
points out the extraordinary needs that continue to exist and that have not been
addressed adequately.
What is important is that the report was written by Arabs, for Arabs and it has
been acclaimed by Arabs. The AHDR 2002 is seen by many not as a catalog of
problems, but as a useful road map to future progress.
The AHDR 2002 largely was based on macro-economic, -social and -cultural
measurements. Earlier this year a group of us embarked on a very different type
of inquiry-a survey of Arab public opinion. This week I'll be in Cairo at the
conference of the Arab Thought Foundation to release the findings of the study,
"What Arab Thinks: Values, Beliefs and Concerns."
Commissioned by the Arab Thought Foundation and conducted by Zogby
International, "What Arabs Think" analyzes the views of 3,800 Arab adults in
eight counties (Morocco, Egypt, Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait,
Jordan, Lebanon and Arabs in Israel). It represents a landmark, probing look at
Arab public opinion.
Public opinion polling is new in the Arab world. For years American political
leaders and commentators have spoken of the "Arab street," but done so with
derision. In polling we do not address a "faceless street," rather we speak to
real people with diverse opinions. They are interviewed. Their opinions are
respected, reported and analyzed. The results are presented in percentages
giving both the majority and minority viewpoints.
"What Arabs Think" is different than other recent polls that have been conducted
in the region. Most of these have been focused externally. They have been
designed to answer questions about what Arabs think about the United States, or
critical political events in the world or the region.
"What Arabs Think" does not look outward. Its focus is inward. It is an effort
to learn what Arabs believe, what their concerns are, what values they seek to
teach their children and what political issues matter most to them. It also
examines how Arabs identify themselves and how they view their own countries and
other nations in the world.
The study was designed with two audiences in mind. For Americans it was intended
to answer questions about who Arabs are-to create a fuller picture of Arab
values and beliefs of Arabs as real people. Although the study has only been
given a limited release in the United States, it has already created discussion
on television, in congressional hearings, think tanks and at universities. After
the formal release of the book in Cairo, this U.S. discussion will increase.
At the same time it is hoped that the study will promote discussion and further
inquiry in the Arab world about matters of values, political concerns and
identity. To facilitate this discussion, "What Arabs Think" presents its
findings by country, so that the views of, for example, Lebanese can be compared
with Saudis or Moroccans. Similarly the results in each case are cross-tabulated
by age, gender, education level and access to the internet. This provides for a
comparison of the views of young and old, men and women, etc. As a result of
this process, the views of young Jordanians can be compared with older
Jordanians, or the values of Kuwaiti women can be compared with those of
Egyptian women, etc.
The data is itself fascinating. We found, for example, the priority values that
Arabs prefer to teach to their children. We learned what are the most important
political concerns of Arabs in all eight countries. We also learned what Arabs
think about 13 other countries in the world, and what they value most about
their own countries.
As the introduction to "What Arabs Think" concludes, "polling opens a window-it
welcomes opinion and invites debate." In the weeks to come, this column will
present some of the findings of "What Arabs Think." I thank the Arab Thought
Foundation for entrusting me with this landmark effort, and I look forward to a
continuing discussion.
Dr. James J.
Zogby is President of Arab American Institute in Washington, DC. The website of
Arab American Institute is www.arab-aai.org
© 2002 James Zogby
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